Monday, September 26, 2011

Profile Pictures

Was looking through Facebook reading updates and read an update one of my friends made. I read it thinking it was one friend when it was actually the other. The reason I got confused was the profile picture.

This particular friend's profile picture consists of herself and her boyfriend. This bothered me a little. You are not your friend, your friend is not you, nor is the profile for the both of you. In all honesty, it doesn't matter what you put for your profile picture. But at least try to put something that pictures only yourself or something that is unique for you. I say that because it doesn't necessarily need to be a picture of you, but something that none of your other friends have. Having a picture of yourself and someone else in the same picture can cause confusion, especially if the other person stands out more in the picture.

Again, it doesn't bother me too much just that I rarely look at the name of the poster only the profile picture. And if that picture has two people in it, I can get confused.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Getting to Sleep

Hah, it's such a hard thing to do sometimes. At night, when I want to be sleeping for a couple hours till morning, I always seem to have a hard time getting to sleep. Tonight has been even harder. Normally I have thoughts rushing through me that I have to literally think about nothing, or my breathe. And that takes effort to do. My mind wanders so much when I'm just lying in bed. I go through the day, think about the most random of things. But tonight I couldn't for the life of me get comfortable. I'd relatively easily half doze off, but would toss and turn so frequently that I wasn't getting anywhere in actually falling asleep.

Thus I've decided to stay awake a bit longer. Get myself even more tired. Then hopefully I'll be able to fall asleep later. It's a good thing nothing is really happening today, but that's usually every day for me.


So I come up to my first post on this and it will be about the changes to Facebook that came on 9/20.

A couple of people actually don't like these changes. Some just don't like that it got changed at all. I dislike that attitude. Change is progression. We can't just let stay the same all the time.

As for the change itself. It looks like there are two major changes that took place. First, the updates. This looks a lot more streamlined. You can even organize these so that certain things from people show most of the time, all the time, or even not at all. I can see it being useful for pages of companies. Like say you 'liked' Google, but you don't want to get all the updates they would post on that page. Before you would have to unlike them to stop that. Now you can just exclude them from showing up on the main page.

The next major change is that of lists. To put it simply, Lists = Circles. That's right, Facebook copied Google. A couple of things though. Facebook, like Google+, has preset lists. Except on Facebook, these lists are automatically populated based on your and other peoples profiles. For instance, the city you live in, or a school you went to. There is also precreated lists that you have to add people into, then you can create your own lists. I'm not sure if Google+ has this, but you can view only posts made by people in certain lists. Meaning on your Facebook page, clicking your city list will show only posts of friends that have set their city to the same as yours.

There were also some better organization tools put in, which is nice.

In my opinion nothing seemed bad about the change. Though for anyone that liked email notifications, they're streamlining that into a single email at at time, probably once a day. But that is revertible back to normal in settings somewhere.